Thursday, February 7, 2008

Deja vu

The other day I walked into my bathroom to this lovely scene: baby + greasy baby cream. What made it absolutely endearing is that my mom has a picture almost identical of my sister Robilyn doing the same thing when she was two.

All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. ~Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895


Anonymous said...

How can you not love that precious little face!

Love you & Miss you and her beautiful face. Nice knitting, I've got to get Shannon to look at your blog.

gloria said...

The more I watch my daughters and grandchildren, the more I appreciate my past. Aren't children the greatest gift ever. Anna, you are beautiful and precious beyond words.

Gracie said...

I wasn't even able to see the cutness of the pictures until you posted that! I almost hopes she does it again... but not when I'm babysitting!

Robs said...

Why does mom say Anna? Does she mean Maggie? I think so! I love this post! You should have posted the picture of me with baby cream all over me next to the picture of Maggie! Very funny. It means she is going to be very smart and witty when she grows up! I miss Maggie. She's getting SO big!

behka said...

Ok, so really she didn't spread that all over the walls and mirrors, just on her chin? You've taught her well, Kim! Such a beautiful girl.

Em said...

So cute! Cleaning it up wasn't so fun now was it. I can remember that picture of Robilyn.

gloria said...

Yes, I meant Maggie. I'm losing my mind. I think I threw my phone out with the trash on Thursday. Bad day, I guess. It's a wonder I can post a comment.

BigFunFamily said...

This reminds me when Sarah tried to shave like her daddy when she was two. We are missing out on Maggie hugs.

behka said...

I love that quote from Oscar Wilde, I am using it!

toby said...

HI to little Maggie! and
all of you!

Miriam said...

it was so funny when you told me to go cheek on maggie and I said "mom come qwick"we al came in you got out the camra and started snaping pichures