I got "tagged", so here goes:
Ten Years Ago?
10 years ago our little family of three (mommy, daddy, and baby) moved in with Grandma (my husband's widowed grandmother) to help out with meals and cleaning etc. Motherhood had left me so incredibly sleep-deprived I couldn't see straight and Jim was confused about his career path. We were in a pretty pathetic and desperate state. Fortunately, we didn't stay at Grandma's long. In a nutshell, ten years ago we were young and penniless and a bit confused.
Things on my "to do" list:
1. Wander down to the "town hall" with a piece of paper that has Korean writing on it. I have no idea what the paper says but I hope that if I show it to the right person, eventually I will get the licence plates for my car.
2. Read my scriptures (my daily struggle, I have good intentions, but....)
3. Take James for a check-up at the M.D. and get his Asthma prescriptions renewed.
4. Hope that the pharmacy carries his meds.
5. Play Scrabble with Anna
6. Play "Guess Who" with James
7. Work with Miriam on her book report (The Hobbit)
8. Knit (?, yeah right, that never happens)
9. Work on my mom's birthday present
What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire? I don't know. I wouldn't want it to ruin me or my kids--I like the work hard, live modestly ideal. I think I would pay my debts and then pretend it wasn't there. (Is that possible?) It would be really fun to wander around finding people to surprise with a thousand dollars every once in a while. I have some friends I would love to secretly buy a house for....
Three of my bad habits
1. Nag at my husband
2. Nag at my kids
3. re-make the beds after my husband and children make them
Three Places I have lived:
Dominican Republic
Five Jobs I have had:
Telemarketing: Worst job ever! Boy was I desperate during college
Lynn's Flavor Magic (pretty bad, huh. I was desperate in high school, too)
Gymnastics Coach
Top Hat Video
Autoclave Tech (most boring job on the planet--once again a desperate summer job)
Five things people don't know about me:
1. I have a house-keeper that comes once a week for eight hours and I haven't cleaned a toilet since I moved to Seoul
2. I enjoy chess
3. I wear a very padded bra
4. I love idioms
5. I wear anti-wrinkle cream
Tag! You're "IT": Julia, Robilyn, Jan and Em.