Sunday, April 11, 2010

Every other Saturday is a special day

The other day I picked up James from school. His teacher looked at me and said, "Tomorrow, is holiday. No school." I had to think for a minute. Hmm. What was tomorrow? It's Saturday. I was confused. Then I remembered, the children have to go to school on Saturdays, every other Saturday to be precise. Tomorrow was their "day off". I smiled to myself and thought, "tomorrow is a holiday- how nice."
In Korea, children go to school on Saturday. It's a hard concept.


NatalieBee said...

That would be hard to get used to. But believe me, there are some Saturdays that I wish I could send my kids to school and my husband to work. :)

Gracie said...

That's a good way to think of it... instead of having every other Saturday be awful, the Saturdays in which we don't have school is a holiday!