Friday, October 8, 2010

Eleven is Heaven

Miriam gets sweeter with age. Life is simply delicious with her around. This year, she made her own birthday cake, after riding to "The Store" on her bike to get the ingredients. When her bike broke down, she carried her bike home--on her birthday! She is an independent, creative, fun and thoughtful daughter. She loves any holiday and excuse to throw a party. She loves to shop. She loves to serve others. She can be mischievious. She will not be taken advantage of. She holds to her guns even when things get tough. In an arguement she will have the last word. She is strong willed yet happy hearted. She loves to read. Her favorite book is Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. The other day I went to her school and watched her flag performance. She stood waving her flags among all the other children with her bright eyes and happy smile. I felt weepy. I couldn't help but think of the character, Stargirl, alone in a crowd, unique and special. She can play the piano beautifully. This year she has learned to accompany a choir. She loves a challenge. When asked to choose a piece for her first time accompanying, I told her to choose something simple. She refused. She chose a difficult piece and I said, "You will be frustrated and fail"(harsh I know--I really regret saying that). She proved me wrong. She loves to prove people wrong for the right reasons. She is reliable. She is helpful. She thinks she's sixteen. She acts like she's eighteen. She knows more about my closet than I do. She loves to lay out my church clothes on Sunday. Anything Miriam wears looks good on her. She loves clothes and accessories. She is beautiful inside and out. She is like a dragonfly. She's quick, and beautiful, and does good things!


gloria said...

We were just talking about Miri's birthday and how we can now laugh at her frustrations of bike trouble and making her own birthday cake. Miri, I love you! You are amazing!

toby said...

She is a great girl.
She will 'climb mountains' for sure.