I set about preparing for this sale, determined to make it work even if I was in a foreign country. I pushed forward, thinking of James and how important this was to him. The first task was to find a cooler. This wasn't easy. Then there was the issue of ice. I ended up with an awkward cooler on wheels and some homemade ice. James left the house with his heavy, dripping cooler dragging behind him, a most pathetic site. Korean passersby could not for the life of them figure out what he was doing and why. Unable to communicate, a few confused purchasers did approach him but seemed to do so out of baffled pity. It was really quite an embarrassment.
Two Months Later
James came home from school and began to make a sign. He asked me how to spell a few words and then he left. Later that week, a friend of mine came to the door with a coin, "can you give this to James for the tennis ball?" Taking her coin, I was a bit confused. During the following days, more people came by with coins for James.
*James sign that was placed strategically at the entryway of our building next to his tennis balls, says, "Tennis Balls for sale. 1 doll(ar). James"
It was one of those moments when you hope your child doesn't say, "I told you so."
you should have let him sale the tennis balls to begin with. How cute is that. He made the sign and everything all by himself.
What a cute story. Sometimes parents try too hard. Kids are pretty good at figuring things out all by themselves! Way to go James!
Oh the summer memories
He knew what he wanted to do,,..I think the selling of the drinks prepped him. Smart little guy.
This story just kills me. You obviously don't have social anxiety disorder. My poor kids. I would never encourage them to do something like that. Way to go James. Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns.
What a cutie. Our kids would have SO MUCH FUN together!!!
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