Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our Petri-Dish

Ever since we moved in over a year ago, our walls have been growing mold. Over time, the mold has gotten so out of hand that it is almost comical (kind of like out of control lice can be comical). Finally, the owners of the apartment decided it might be time to rebuild and reinsulate all of the walls in our house. Their timing was most inopportune by my standards, but on the same token we felt anxious to have the mold taken care of. Can you imagine why?

So, we moved all of our belongings out into the stairwells and my front room turned into this:
We are almost finished moving back into our apartment. The mold is gone, the lice is gone- we hope.


Beth said...

Never a dull day at your house, is there?

This is a story better told after (or almost after) it's over. I have a few stories I am waiting to tell when they are over, too! Chapter one is "Texas Sized Bugs."

Ashley and the Fam said...

Your life just gets more and more exciting, doesn't it? Haha well good luck! Love you and miss you guys lots :)

gloria said...

What next? I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor. A quote from Pres. Monson might be helpful at this point: "Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with grateful hand, nor postpone your joys from year to year, so that in whatever place you have been, you may say that you have lived happily ever after...May we adapt to the changes in our lives...realize what is most our gratitude always and thus find joy in the journey." Love you guys.

Gracie said...

That was so awful! (Except for staying at the hotel) Great job fixing up our house mom! You are the best!

Alisa said...

Oooo...sounds fun. Can't wait to get there and join in on the lice and mold parties. :)

NatalieBee said...

I'm so glad you've got that behind you. I'm afraid to ask what next? Hopefully some much needed rest, eh? Kim, you are my hero! You are such a great example to me of courage.

toby said...

Lots of adventures for you Oldroyds!!
Breathe well now!!!

Robs said...

You poor thing. I'm glad you got rid of the lice and the mold! Here's to hoping nothing else is lurking around the corner!

Em said...

life just seems to get better and better for you guys.