Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Nenita comes to help me twice a week--Mondays and Thursdays. She does all sorts of stuff to help me out: laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, cooking, mending, ironing, babysitting. She is great and has exceeded my expectations often, but never so much as the day after I found out about the lice. She picked through our hair for six hours getting rid of the nits. It took her three hours to go through Anna's hair, alone. Thank goodness for Nenita. She made a louse(y) problem bearable.


toby said...

What a dear she is!! I am glad you have some support.
there is also a way to use Cetaphil and a hair dryer, but maybe there isn't any Cetaphil in Korea. e-mail me if you want instructions. Sending you lots of love and hoping you will grab some rest anytime you can.

BigFunFamily said...

She sounds like an ANGEL! I'm so glad she is there for you!

Alisa said...

Oh, I'm sorry. What a month you guys have had!

gloria said...

I'm so thankful Nanita has been there to help you and see you through this "lousey" problem. She looks like a wonderful sweet person. I wish I had a Nanita to help me. I hope the lice are gone.

NatalieBee said...

She looks like such a sweet person. I hope she has a big ole bonus coming to her! :]