Sunday, December 21, 2008

No Room in the Inn


ellen said...

I love the first one!

Robs said...

I love them all...I'll be copying this idea tomorrow! Thanks for the great idea!

Miriam said...

My favorite one is the second, nice colection

Gracie said...

I love all of them. I think that that was a cute idea. My favorite though, is the little people one because Maggie will always put all of the people in the nativity in a line to see baby Jesus.

toby said...

great, nice to see them

toby said...

I can't wait to see you add the photo of you, Jim, and the new baby.

gloria said...

I like the first and last. Picturing Maggie lining the little people up to see baby Jesus is so cute. I guess it's time for me to add another one to your collection! Maybe next year.