Sunday, July 6, 2008

Out to Lunch?

During the past few weeks I have gained 15 pounds. I eat constantly--even during the night. Unfortunately, I have not been able to enjoy my "binge". I have been nauseated and absolutely exhausted.

To you, my loyal readers, who have stayed with me through my "timeout"--I have an announcement to make: We are expecting our sixth baby on December 30th! Yeah! Thanks for staying with me.

Kind of a bummer I've gained half of my "allotted" pregnancy weight in the first six weeks, huh?


ellen said...

congrats to heartinseoul8!!

Robs said...

Congrats! The 15 pounds isn't hurting you! I would say I hope you get feeling better soon but I know you won't so I guess I'll say...hang in there! It's all worth it as soon as you hold the little one! Are you sticking to your guns and having it be a surprise?

Robs said...

I'm amazed and in awe of anyone that can endure 6 pregnancies, let alone 6 children! You are the best mom in the world. As for the weight--don't worry, you'll lose every pound and more when the little one gets here. I hope you're over the hump soon--if that ever happens for you. We're all happy and praying for you. Love you, mom.

gloria said...

Kim, I'm at Robilyn's and posted under her name. I miss you and our morning bagels. What a great time we had sleeping late and then shopping for all the things you couldn't find in Korea, but were made in Korea! Go figure! Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats!

I am so happy for you and Jim and your family!!! Now we are reading from Texas. Do the Koreans award a prize to the first new baby of 2009? I would try to extend a couple of days if they do. Unless of course you want that tax break. Do you pay US taxes?

Much love

alese said...

Yea,yea,yea, congrats! I hope it is a girl. (I was number six-undeniably the best place in any family!) I can see why blogging has taken a back seat-I dont envy you right now but in about 9 months I will.

Em said...

Kim, hang in there! Pregnancy is no cake walk. Wow, and you have done it six times. You are my Hero!

Gracie said...

I love you Mom! You are soooo wonderful!

BigFunFamily said...

We love you! Hang in there : )

behka said...

You are hillarious! Yay for a new little one, you are inspiring!