Monday, May 16, 2011

Orchard Row

One of my favorite places to go walking is on the mountain behind my home. On the mountain, there is a special spot of mine. I call it, “Orchard Row” because of the curving, dirt path lined both sides by big, old trees. There are streams along the path and if I walk far enough, I will eventually find a secluded pond with lily pads. Last January, I walk and hiked along my Orchard Row. It was quiet. Winter’s darkness had settled in there and it was cold and dark—even though it was midmorning. For the most part, my orchard felt "dead". I touched the bark of one of those big, old trees. I couldn’t help but whisper out loud, “Is it possible?” And then, the answer came not from the tree, but seemed to whisper from somewhere else in the orchard, “I promise.” I returned several times during the next few months. Again, it seemed quite hopeless in those winter months that those trees could be any different than they were.

In early April, during my walking there, I noticed the smallest forming of a bud on the long straight branches of one of my trees. I couldn’t help but gently pat the tree, and smile.

Within weeks, Orchard row was all but a million blossoms. The streams were running happily down the hill and children were playing in open meadows. As I entered the orchard from the busy road of concrete and noise, I couldn’t help but feel like I was stepping into an enchanted storybook forest. It’s hard to describe the feeling I get during those days of the blossoms. I feel close to God. I feel close to the Garden Tomb spoken of in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John of the Holy Bible. One day as I walked slowly down the dirt path of “my orchard” looking up at those giant old trees, the sweet fragrance of blossoms filled the air and I could have sworn I heard them singing, “Hallelujah! Oh praise Him! Hallelujah!

So it is with life. Dark moments full of disappointment, despair, and even death may surround us. All hope seems to be futile. The winter is dark and quiet. But, there is a promise: In the right time, during the right season, faith will replace doubt, hope will replace despair, and life will replace death. I promise.


Crystal Ridlon said...

Beautiful Kim!

NatalieBee said...

You are such a wonderful writer. Thanks for sharing that. :) I know it's true...